Tips for Taking Surveys
  • 03 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Tips for Taking Surveys

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Article summary

Taking surveys are the most popular way of earning Points in the world of offerwalls, and there are several things you can do to maximize your results.

  • Take your time - rushing through a survey will lead to more disqualifications by the offerwalls.
  • Be honest - the best way for the offerwalls to match the best surveys to you is for you to honestly represent yourself.
  • Be consistent - survey offerwalls work hard to weed out folks they think aren't being honest, and consistency is part of that.
  • Finish surveys in one sitting - this will minimize the chance of timing out or having a survey finish its run while you are away.
  • Take surveys from the survey offerwalls you like best - every offerwall is a little different, and if you like one, let yourself stick with it.
  • Screenshots - Take screenshots of your survey completion screen for those rare times there is an issue.

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